
Showing posts from 2018

When is it time to Quit

Their Story Isn’t Yours I started this company about four and a half years ago alongside three of my friends in my office since they needed a space to work out of as well. Things were great! We shared the bills and we had company. We also landed up passing business to one and learning of one another. It was nice and comforting. Then life happened and everyone started to move their separate ways for greener pastures. We parted knowing it was the end of an era but necessary for the next stage for our respective companies.  See at that time everyone was in Startup mode. Everyone wanted to branch out and start something where they are their own boss. Sounds ideal, right? Well no one told them about the inside scoop on how difficult and trying it is. A large chunk of those startups including a few of friends of mine didn’t see it past year three. And that collided with my 5-year slump wherein I started to question myself. Self-doubt made home in my brain. It was a dark hole and I

What To Do When People Don't Do As You Would Like Them To.

Mind Control! - Do we all wish we could make others do our bidding Don’t we all wish; at some point in our lives; that we can control people around us. “If only I can get him/her to do that!” or “Why did he/she act like that?” This feeling of hopelessness in the inability to control what others do or say; in our personal lives or professional; drives us crazy.  Personally, our journeys are very different. But professionally we as bosses all face the same problem. The wishful thinking that our employees could or rather should think like us. One thing we tend to forget is, “They aren’t us!” If they were we would be out of a job! I face a few problems when it comes to man management: 1.      Loyalty: The good old days where an employee started and ended his career with your organization is gone. Jumping ship is inevitable. Something we as bosses need to start hedging for.  2.      Charisma: How many times have you walked into a meeting which your employee is h