
Showing posts from May, 2015

2nd Best Isn't an Option

When I was studying in Glion I met my best friend. A genius in his own right, cocky, a perfectionist, a dear soul, a hard worker, patient when required and cordial when he needs to be. He taught me one very important thing; 2nd best isn't an option. He truly believes that mediocrity shouldn't exist. He always gave his best at whatever he did and didn't settle for anything but the best in return. He held my hand and taught me that I was someone who was intelligent and shouldn't settle either. He gave me perspective when I needed it most and brought me down to reality when I needed it most. We both grew extremely cocky but that in our defence that was because we knew WE WERE THE BEST at what we did and no one came close. Today I have a company of my own that is on it way up there and he started at the bottom of the food chain in a corporate world and in a few short years and turned his profile around. He stood infront of me the other day and I couldn't help but smi

The People That Forget You Down The Road.....

Your journey to success is yours and yours alone. Not a lot of people understand your struggles and you can't expect them to. Most of the people we know today have jobs and their struggles are very different. But when you initially set out on your own; often times people ask you; so how is it going? And you be like uuummmmm good I suppose. Cause what do you say to a person you know is earning more than you. Plus you know they think that you have taken the easy way out. My story is even funnier. Being a girl from a upper middle class family people think you are pursuing a hobby and any small achievement they come and give you hearty congrats. They think I go to the office and sit around watching sit coms on my laptop all day; which is true on a few days; but not all the time. While it isn't a financial need to work; being a girl and all *wink wink*; it is a necessity for me. I couldn't imagine not having a place to go to everyday where my grey cells play riot with the e

Today Women....... Empowered or Confused!

I am not a feminist in the traditional sense of the term but yes I do believe women do have to work harder at a few things. But that doesn't mean that we take that as an excuse. Women, today want to be equals. Want to be treated on par with in work field, same pay hikes, responsibilities etc. but then why is it that when it comes to actually pulling your weight women hide behind the excuse of being a woman. I am not saying every single woman does this. But in my experience a lot of women do that. We become our worst enemies and it exhausting ladies. A lot of us want to have it all; and while that does sound delusional; it is not unachievable with a little bit of compromise on the side. We are willing to compromise for our kids, husbands, families why not find a middle ground, because Balance is good thing (The last time I checked). Women in general become very vested in our families and our carriers take a back seat. Some of us just loose interest in a high powered carrier. So