
Showing posts from June, 2019

Evolution: The Time Loop I was in.....

For the longest time, I felt I was stuck. Like my life hadn’t moved on. It was a beautiful life full of certainty, love and timelines. You expect your life to go a certain way, and then the opposite happens.  You think you understand this, this transition while u still hold on to the conventional philosophy of what life should have in store for you. But it doesn’t and in fact, the opposite happens. You get stuck in this infinite loop and you don’t understand why, till one video or msg or book jars your attention and you break. You spend the night crying because God knows you needed a good cry and then you blog about it at 2:30 in the night because that’s all you know to do when you need to let it out.  I was stuck in such a loop till it hit me I was holding on, subconsciously to my life and keeping myself in status quo for the fear of moving ahead in a different direction than what I had envisioned for myself. I would say I didn’t need a man or I needed independence all t