
Showing posts from June, 2014

I Scratch Your Back..... You Scratch Mine!!!!!

The age old norm of business is "I'll do you a favour and then you do me one when I need it" But today its a dog eat dog world.... Bare minimum favours, trust and everyone wants the bigger piece of the cake. Now people forget that we live in a human world where we wouldn't be able to have our businesses, jobs, economies etc without having a HUMAN on the other side. The argument is that what if he tries to screw me over....!!!! Again people tend to forget that in the good old days people walked over, screwed or betrayed people even then. The reason why you hear of this more often now is because there has been an increased in the number of people, businesses and technology enables gossip amongst other things. You can go back as far as the age of the barter system; even before money came into the picture; I am sure someone didn't get paid their due. It is human nature to do so. But it is also human nature to lean on one another. We are an inter dependent species

Its Going Good.... I am Fine!!!!

How many times do people come to you during the day... some out of genuine concern, some just because they are nosey and can't keep to themselves cause their lives are not interesting enough and some just because.... and ask you How are you doing? How is work? and you give them the usual answer Its going good and I am fine!!! We personally on an individual level believe in not sharing our views, problems disappointments and failures because we need to be brave and strong and power through the rough patch cause other wise people around you will take you for weak..... Life is tough... and whoever said its easy was either lying through their teeth or got dealt a really awesome hand... but lets face it no one is that lucky!!!! I know this sounds pessimistic and we shouldn't talk like this etc. but fact of the matter is that "Life is an Uphill Climb..... But the view is Great!!!" Having said that!!!!... Its important to know that its OK to feel down and out and stampe