
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Privileged Guilt

I am one of those fortunate individuals who have everything and I am aware of it. I have a family that adores and spoils me, a business that’s doing reasonably well, friends who always have my back and employees who are like family. Yes, I lead a very charmed life and I am aware of it. The reason why I say I am aware is because I am grateful. So grateful that ever so often a feeling of guilt creeps in when I see the few less fortunate struggling about things I so mindlessly dismiss. In a society where 90% of the wealth is owned by 10% of the population survival becomes hand to mouth. Rising prices leaves majority reaching for scraps and scampering to make ends meet. This has been the harsh reality of society since the evolution of the class system. We have designed it in such a way that power is kept in the hands of a few leaving the rest in despair. We as the privileged lot take so much for granted where basic human rights aren’t available to the masses. Thankfully in