
Showing posts from November, 2014

The Annoying Client

I am an event planner. I party for a living. I get to be creative and use my imagination. I get to make people happy and create wonderful memories for them that will last a life time. I am the MAGICIAN behind the scenes. I love my job. My clients; well most of them; are sweet and leave you alone. But sometimes you get this one annoying client, that has a love chat with you once in the morning and once before you go to bed like a overly attached boyfriend who needs to know where and what you are doing at every waking moment. So you humour them once, twice, thrice! and then it starts to get to you a little bit. But you realise that it comes with the territory so take a seat back and go with the flow. But then you are sitting at the fag end of a deadline and nothing is decided and everytime you meet everything changes. So how can you plan? I ask myself I am an event planner but pulling an elephant out of hat is not gonna happen without the required planning! Then you have the other

One of your Biggest Fears as an Entrepreneur

"You are only as good as your Employees" This statement could hold greater value that it does for me today. The caliber of your staff is a direct reflect of you, your weaknesses, your strengths and your failures. If they succeed you will give them the credit cause you know they put their hearts and souls into it. And if they fail you will be standing right there in front of them to shelter them from the storm. But when you are starting out I you have your first employee they are more like your partners than an employee. They get vested in and every small victory and failure is celebrated and fretted upon together. But at the end of the day the company is your baby and sometimes (very rarely) they stick around till the end. But more often than not they move on to better prospects, opportunities etc. Never place all your eggs in one basket. Divide the responsibilities and have a cohesive area for all your important data but most importantly remember that their success is a