
Showing posts from October, 2016

Inside the Ivory Tower: Its a matter of perception

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” I remember my grandmother saying this but it was always in a different light i.e. just because it may look like the person might not come from the same strata as you doesn’t mean they have nothing to offer. I have realized recently that this holds true when you turn the tables as well. Ever so often I’ll hear comments like “what struggle ya she/he is rich” or “how does it matter they have the money” or the ever so famous “ Ya, so we aren’t as fancy as you so.” While I wouldn’t say much, smile and laugh it off a few times; I must admit; it did tick me off. But my upbringing got the better of me and I stayed quiet instead of voicing my opinion. A few days ago a friend brought this up in a very serious conversation saying, “you know you talk about your money too much. This does intimidate people……” While I respect that point of view its not entirely true. This is still just one side of the story. What about the other side? What about the peo


We have all been through something that has changed the course of our lives forever. Sometimes those events change us and overnight we grow up or become different people. It’s through these life-altering instances that we mould our mind and from our set of principles; those at the time; swear by. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” or so they say. While this analogy does hold true for the most part there is a hidden angle, stronger doesn’t always mean better. The rough patches in our lives change our perspective on the way we view the world. Sometimes it relaxes our principles and other times it winds them up tight. We do this as a form of self-preservation if you will, vowing to ourselves that we wouldn’t put ourselves or anyone else through the same thing ever again. When we set out into the world our new set of virtues it makes us also extremely judgemental. Often times we wouldn’t be able to comprehend the actions of others simply because they don’t align wit

Change! - The Horror of it all!

A few weeks ago I got back from my first solo trip and everything all of a sudden felt different. My relationships with a few people changed, people around me started acting differently. Everyone seemed a lot busier than when I left. Now if that’s because my mind is a lot quieter or whether it's just plain old circumstance I can’t tell but it sure as hell bothered me. Mostly because I couldn’t control it and turn things back to the way they were. The truth of the matter “ It is what it is!” “Words of wisdom you might say (eye roll)” but the fact is that change is inevitable and accepting, “said change” in whatever regard be it personal or professional is hard for everyone. Because there is not a soul on this planet, that likes all kinds of change. We are social beings that pride ourselves on consistency and regularity. We have rules and norms for everything in our society and lives. We are supposed to drive a certain way, conduct our businesses a certain way, not lie, obey th