Life is like an uphill climb...... But the View is GREAT!!!!

Starting your own company.... is like being pregnant, giving birth and raising a child. In the initial stages you lay the ground work, follow the rules, learn new things about yourself and the organism you are trying to nurture inside you; because you have a vision of what it is going to be a few years from now. So you spend your time conceptualising in great detail everything down to the last "T". You think you have everything figured out...... 

So in all your gusto you go ahead pick out a name, find an office space and put your name on a board outside. You buy your domain name and out up your website. You print your business cards. You create all your formats etc. You do a couple of business transactions and you think you are on your way. That is furtherest from the truth. We are naive to think that this is all it takes and that we have set the ball rolling. The biggest struggle is yet to come. This is the calm before the storm. 

After you have done your basic ground work. you decide to register your company. You make it official. And this is where the easy part stops. Now begins and up hill climb. Do not be mistaken. There is no easy way or shortcut to do this. This is a slow frustrating journey which can only progress if you put one leg in front of the other and with your hands hoist YOURSELF up the mountain. No one can make this journey for you. You will have loved ones and professionals to come to your aid much like a harness, rope etc., you need during a climb, but this is exactly what they are: MEANS to get to the end. 

But because your initial success you will forge on with all your gusto and fervour. And you will keep trying and trying and trying and it will yield very little if not no success initially. This gets frustrating. It sometime pulls you down beyond recourse. This is a cycle that will follow you through our life as this is a story about life that you have given your company. And like any life cycle and like any parent the life will have its amazing and soaring moments and then will go through a slump and also hit a few bumps along the way. No one said it would be smooth sailing. The slump will seem like it lasts for longer when in reality it may not. 

There will also come a time during your slump where you'll come to work one day or open your laptop and you just sit there. You sit blank, lost and profoundly overwhelmed with what is in store for you ahead. But mind you its not the mountain of work and tedious labour ahead of your that catches your off guard. Its the magnitude of work ahead of YOU..... No one else.... just you..... and you don't know how get most of it done because they don't lie in your level of expertise. 

You can't shake of this feeling. This becomes you... engulfs you; if you will; into a state which can lead you down two paths.... one the easy way you you walk away from the responsibilities and carry on the way you have. Chances are that you won't realise your full potential in this manner. Second; is the road I am taking; which scares the living daylights out of you but you know is the way to go. So you forge on, you make a list and you keep adding to it as time goes and you find people to help you. You ask for guidance; which humbles you in a very large way; and god knows you stumble. You will make mistakes large ones from that. Some may cost you greatly but you learn from them and I can assure you with utmost certainty that you will never make the same mistake again. 

So hence I say:

Life is like an uphill climb........... But the view is Great!!!! So Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly.... You will get the EVENTUALLY.......


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