Happily Ever After....

Ever since I can remember, through cartoons, stories or fables we are always told that love is important. That love is why we are here. Love for our parents, children, siblings and the most important our better half or significant other if you will. Most of us spend our entire lives seeking this very phenomenon. We see this in movies, sit coms and even in animation films for children. Beauty and beast, Cinderella, Snow White..... they all end in the notion of Happily Ever After....

But is there such a thing.....

I have seen couples together for all the wrong reasons. Habit is the most prominent reason i.e. Couple has been together for four years will end up spending their lives together. But how often do you know that those couples have been happy once the fairy dust of a new relationship clears. I can see couples heading towards a wall at break neck speed. You know they are making a mistake but you have to stand on the side lines and wait for them to meet their fate. No one can make these decisions for you.... You are your Master!!!!

But I know of couples who have been together for the past 8 to 10 years and they it feels like they meet for the first time yesterday. The love is fresh... there is a look in the mans eye every time she walks into the door. A passion that steams between them and you know will never die. Each one striving everyday to better each other and themselves for each other; in turn bring out the best in each other.

Not everyone is as lucky... While everyone is destine to meet someone and share their lives not all of us are meant to be with that special someone. Some of us are meant to be alone and walk through the journey of life along with your friends and family as your support. Its a difficult road.... but knowing that you haven't settled for less. Knowing that everyday is a new day and it YOURS not anyone else's makes it worthwhile.

And who knows along the way you may find your KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR or PRINCESS....


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