Keep at It!!!!

When you start a new company and you talk to your friends etc. and say man this is frustrating, things don't seem to be moving. You meet people, pitch for your company do the FB posts and tweets etc. But nothing seems to be yielding any results. Then those words of WISDOM come pouring out of people who aren't in the same situation as you : "Keep at it... It will happen..."

While what they are saying isn't wrong or offensive its frustrating. Not because you have heard it over and over again its because you know deep down its true! And there are days you have your good moments when you will power through.... Then there are days when you just wanna head home and say Il do it later.... and that later never happens.....

So how do you power through and keep yourself going... Here are a few things that have helped me... Which might help you...

1. Count your Blessings: Look back and see where you started and assess the situation you were in when you started. Your mind set, your feelings etc. I guarantee you are in a way better place now than you were when you begun. Think about the people you have met and the work you have done. It will put a smile on your face and you will see you aren't as bad of as what you thought you were.

2. Keep yourself BUSSSYYY: At work if you have nothing to do... Stop and think again. There are always these small things we tend to put of like writing your blog :) or making your diwali lists etc. You don't realise it now but when you are busy this all will aid your work load. Also if you are one of the super efficient people then think of a small project that will help you take your company to the next level.

3. Review, Learn and Forge Ahead: If what I said above didn't get the ball rolling then review your company accounts. The slow progress will kick your procrastinating self into over drive and the vault of ideas will be opened and you will forge ahead. And now don't just aimlessly forge ahead.... Set smaller goals and achieve them within the next week or month.

4. Celebrate the Small Achievements: Every small minute hurdle or achievement should be rewarded and celebrated. No one is going to come and pat your back and say well done... In fact come to think of it thats YOUR job... for your employees and yourself. Remember this is ALL YOU from day one. So take your self out for a long walk in park, sit by the sea and MARVEL at what you have achieved within this small period of time..... and IMAGINE what can be achieved in the future....

5. Smile, Breath and Go Slowly: I have said this before and I will say it again haste never got anyone anywhere quicker, it just delayed the process and adds to your frustration. You can't reach the top if you don't walk road. And the journey is what moulds us and helps us from not making these very mistakes in the future. As in the future the stakes will be larger, the losses greater and the fall even harder. There is no better mentor than experience.


Life is like an Uphill battle.... BUT THE VIEW IS GREAT.....


  1. Really great to read such an uplifting blog. Keep blogging your thoughts! ��


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