Envy: A Good Postion to be in!

How many times has it happened to you... You meet some old acquaintance or a friend and you get a pang in your heart. Its called envy! There is a very thin line between Jealousy and Envy. Envy happens to someone who desires to become the person he envy's. Jealousy on the other hand evokes bad feelings and is harmful to you and not the other one unless like some sitcom drama series you plot "to destroy" the other person. But then you also need to consider the fact that you dont have an audience to entertain with your escapades.

Envy is something that evokes a desire to be where that other person is. It instills a senses of gratitude when you achieve it. You start pulling out all the stops while simultaneously admiring the accomplishments of the others. This is an emotion you can use as a tool to bring out the best in you while also being able to be happy and part take in other peoples success. This is something of a rarity these days.  We often times say this is a "Dog eat Dog" kinda world we live in. Survival of the fittest we say. All the while not realising no one has won cause no one has crossed the finish line. We are so busy cutting people down to size in our corporate world that we have forget what team work, companionship, loyalty etc. mean today.

If you envy someone you automatically admire them too. Due to which your body experiences good emotions and makes you a more rounded and amiable person. No one has been able to hog the spotlight for too long. What goes up must come down; because that is the law of the universe. And it is when you are down that the true test of your personality will be put to the test as what goes around comes around.

In this corporate rat race, we are so busy trying to climb the ladder not seeing where the damn ladder is going, that we forget that we might be envied by others as well. Often times we see people putting us down in public or not having a damn nice thing to say. This my friend is JEALOUSLY. On the other hand we never know about the people at envy us; because envy is silent.

When we were little my mother always said "I used to complain I never had new shoes, till I met a boy my age with no legs." The superficiality of our lives clouds our judgement on most things. We tend to forget that there is always someone who has way less compared to you. We take our blessings for granted so often we forget to be grateful.

I am blessed with the opportunities that life has given me. I am blessed with the people around me at work and my private life. I am one of the fortunate few who gets the pursue their dreams. I am aware that a lot of people might envy the position I am in and that thought humbles me.

So count your blessing and not your sorrows, for these are the moments that will bring a smile to your face and kick start your drive whenever you need a little push.

So, like I always say Smile, Breath and Go Slowly!


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