.........Self Preservation............

Whoever turned around and said “Life is as easy as you make it out to be” HAD HIS SHIT TOGETHER. I met a person a few years ago and what she said stuck with me. “We are all screwed up. The degree in various aspects of our lives differs.”

There are times in our lives that we have no control over what is happening around us. E.g. certain people come into your life and leave. You can’t control their actions anymore than you can control the rain or a storm. And yet we feel that accepting this in some way is giving that other person the upper hand; so we hold on and drive ourselves positively crazy till we are so mentally exhausted and we start questioning ourselves. Not realizing that in no way is this a reflection on us.

In a similar fashion there are multiple instances where you do have to walk away from various people for various reasons. Most often than not we don’t, because in some way we think we can change them, or the current circumstances will be altered. But that rarely ever happens. This doesn’t mean that the person is a “bad” individual in general. In fact no one is. It would just mean that the person doesn’t serve a purpose in your life anymore. Hence, you walk away. 

I was taught since I was a child “You shouldn’t be so self centred or you should think of others.” Result, one is always thinking of people and how they would feel. The concept of putting yourself first is unheard of in Indian society especially. We first think of our parents, then our other-half’s, siblings, friends, relatives, pets and at the end of the food chain is you. But now think about this if you aren’t happy, how are you supposed to help those you love the most?

Often times we don’t know where to draw the line and say, “Stop” or “Enough” or rather simply just “No”. Trying to keep everyone happy is a recipe for disaster. Correspondingly, trying to get everyone to like you is not only exhausting but also draining. If you are going to keep so many people in your life they should add some value to it. There should be an equal give and take equation.

The only person who is with you 24 hours of the day till the day you die is YOU. Do you really want to hang around with a miserable person who is constantly trying to over compensate but is getting pushed, tugged and walked all over by everyone one in her/his life? Also, do keep in mind you are the only one who is going to listen to you incessant whining 24 hours a day. 

Remember no one is going to take care of you but YOU! So stand up, dust it off and start saying no today.

Like I always say Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly…..


  1. Loved reading this! Much needed for today :)
    You should write more often :)

  2. Thank you.... I know I have been MIA but I promise atleast two posts a week....

    1. How do you promise things to random Anons? :D


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