When Your Support System Malfunctions!

Everyone has a support system. They may not have a traditional one but one that works for them nevertheless. But like all well-functioning machines, it tends to do its own thing from time to time and you need to figure out a way to make it work again. Sometimes all it needs is a good “Servicing.”

Unfortunately for an entrepreneur, we survive on the positive energy of our support system. We rely on them for comforting words, a shoulder to cry on or just being the punching bag we require at that time.

The road to success is a long winding one; we all know that. And the current government rules, regulations, and economic crisis are making it so much harder. The frustration gets the better of us quite often and we take it out of the people we know aren’t going to desert us. But this is not the only aspect, which drives a wedge between you and your loved ones. “Expectation” is one that hurts the most.

Initially, when you start out all bright shiny eyed and you fail you have everyone from your immediate circle that has your back. As time moves on and you continue to fail one by one your people start falling till such a time comes you are left with the people who love you with all their heart and only want to see you succeed. But you continue to fail. One disappointment after another they have had your back until such a time comes wherein you are at your peak of despair and they too have had enough. The only reason for this is that they have always held you in high regard and you have let them down time and time again.

It’s not like you planned to fail or because of a lack of effort. But everyone has a breaking point and at that moment they have reached theirs. You will see a look of constant disapproval and disappointment on their faces, which will tear you up inside. You will feel deserted. You will be grasping at straws, to say the least. At this moment you need to keep in mind a few things:

1.     They don’t love you any less.
2.     This too shall pass.
3.     Giving up isn’t a solution.
4.     Keep going cause everyone gets a break. Yours just hasn’t arrived yet.
5.     Take care of you first.

At a time like this emotions are running high. Getting into a confrontation will only be counterproductive. Turn inward. Distance yourself from anything negative. Search for strength within you to build up your self-esteem. Realign your emotions because more than half of the thoughts in your head are a product of your own imagination. Take an account of your situation, options, strengths and weaknesses. Work out a plan and hedge for things that can go wrong. Saddle in for the long haul and keep making efforts to succeed. You’re near and dear ones will eventually come around once they have refueled and see the genuine effort.

Resilience and grit are the two crutches you should use in order to achieve the success you desire. Till then Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly……..


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