Your Reputation Isn't Your Down Fall

Recently I found myself in a situation where someone very dear to me started a vendetta. This involved the usual rumors, false stories etc. I lost a lot of people I was fond of in the process. As the days passed I uncovered a plethora lies which was really hard to swallow. It tarnished my reputation as a woman and a person. Needless to say, they were all false.

It really bothered me that people who knew me interacted with me were buying into all these fairy tales. A few solutions crept into my mind and a lawsuit; believe it or not; was one of them. However, better judgment stopped me. I sat back and analyzed the situation. The real solution was a bitter pill to swallow but was necessary nevertheless.

"Do Nothing" ironically it's the hardest thing you can do. Because most of the people that start spreading rumors are looking for a reaction of some sort. But if you don't give it to them they will die its natural death. Yes, you will lose a few people along the way. But they were never your friends to begin with because otherwise they would pick up the phone and clarify everything. And mind you a few people have.

Upon reflection, if deep down you know your conscience is clear and you get a good night sleep the rest of the world can go take a nice long walk. The reason I say this is, people are going to talk whether you like it or not. You cannot be present at every location where your name is dropped. So if you can't control everyone then why are you loosing energy over it?

There is also another truth I have come to terms with, the truth always prevails. You don't need to grab a microphone and scream to set the record straight. Trust me! Karma does that for you.

Life has a funny way of working in your favour. I have noticed this time after time. All you need to do is focus on you and your character. Your energy will pull more like-minded people into your life. As for the rest shed them like a snake sheds skin and leave them behind. They were a part of your past, not your present. You cannot hold on to negative people and expect a positive result.

"Your past is a place of REFERENCE not a place of RESIDENCE"

Until next time Smile, Breather and go slowly.... 


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