"ITS NOTHING PERSONAL, ITS JUST BUSINESS" How many times have we heard this in and around our work place. While this is true in most regards, this is also untrue. Semantically if you look at it, we work for an organisation, on assignments etc. and make it our own. We strive hard to make a mark for ourselves; for the relevant people to notice us. This is how we measure our success in a work environment. This in turn makes us loyal to the brand and gives us a sense of belonging. So my question to you is HOW IS THIS NOT PERSONAL. Thats you in a dossier!!!!!

So I have been working in my field for a while now and I have picked up a few dos and don'ts along the way. Some of which is astonishingly based on common sense but often ignored due to ego plays between people. We all are aggressive at our work place but little do we realise that we still are dealing with human emotions. People get fired up, hurt, angry, de-motivated etc. because people say and do things they don't mean.

Actions have Consequences...... In our frenzy we often forget that.......

Office Politics is something we have all been subjected to in one way or another. When you start your career you feel it more than ever because you have left the cocoon of school, college or university and entered the big bad corporate world where everything and everything is fair game. Its the survival of the fittest and the weak ones get left behind.

The ones that survive and get that promotion have learnt the ropes and will subject their juniors or new bees to the same faith that they were subjected to early on. This by the way is 80% of us. There is obviously that 20% who will be nice and will be the bigger person; so to say in the bigger scheme of things. But the majority will take their pound of flesh because if they stop they might get left behind in this "DOG EAT DOG" environment they have grown accustomed to. But little do we realise that due to this the passion and hunger; that was beaten out of us; will get beaten out of them.

Very few people survive this and have that hunger or passion to do what they do with the same vigour at which they did when they first started their careers. Some of us cant survive but cant give up on that larger dream either and we set out to make it by ourselves. Its this stubborn attitude of wanting it all in a UTOPIAN environment that sets us apart from the rest of the world.

The unwillingness to settle for mediocrity;
Where being second best isn't an option;
Where the hunger to achieve greatness way surpasses self doubt,
When failing isn't an option,
And PERSISTENCE is your middle name,
You know you were a Born Entrepreneur.

"Here's to the crazy ones,
The misfits. 
The rebels. 
The troublemakers. 
The round pegs in the square holes. 
The ones who see things differently. 

They're not fond of rules. 
And they have no respect for the status quo. 

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, 
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. 
Because they change things. 

The Invent. The Imagine. They heal. 
They explore. they create. They Insipre. 
The push the human race forward. 

Maybe they have to be crazy. 

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silense and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

While some see them as crazy ones. 
We see genius. 

Because the people who are crazt enough to think 
they can change the world are the ones that do."
 - Steve Jobs 

I come from a family of entrepreneurs. I am the second generation; third actually if you count my brother. My father built a company from scratch and left us with a legacy we can only be proud of. He has also left us with some pretty big shoes to fill. 

My father and my mother started a small company more than 30 years ago, so we aren't alien to the concept of hard work, failure and all the other dumps that get handed to you on your journey to success. But when you see your father still taking a risk even after everything he has achieved; when you see him stand in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back and then quietly in ever so humble voice he look around for his wife and say "Not bad eh?" knowing in his heart he wouldn't have been able to do it without her. 

So I dedicate this post to him and her, for being my inspiration and strength. If it wasn't for his confidence and my mother's constant pushing I would be able to take the drastic steps on my own and start my journey......

This is my story....... and my road to SUCCESS.......


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