Its Going Good.... I am Fine!!!!

How many times do people come to you during the day... some out of genuine concern, some just because they are nosey and can't keep to themselves cause their lives are not interesting enough and some just because.... and ask you How are you doing? How is work? and you give them the usual answer Its going good and I am fine!!!

We personally on an individual level believe in not sharing our views, problems disappointments and failures because we need to be brave and strong and power through the rough patch cause other wise people around you will take you for weak.....

Life is tough... and whoever said its easy was either lying through their teeth or got dealt a really awesome hand... but lets face it no one is that lucky!!!! I know this sounds pessimistic and we shouldn't talk like this etc. but fact of the matter is that "Life is an Uphill Climb..... But the view is Great!!!" Having said that!!!!... Its important to know that its OK to feel down and out and stamped upon because IT WILL HAPPEN.

You will find that you start your day with all the fervour and determination of a champion but by the end of the day you feel like a train hit you. Somedays you aren't so lucky... you get out of bed feeling like crap... Acknowledging the fact that depression is a very avid part of everyones life is important...... Every single individual at some point in time during their lives go through it.... some of us quiet early someone of us quiet late. But it happens in our professional lives and our personal lives and most of the time it goes through simultaneously.

It becomes hard to get out of bed everyday. It becomes even more difficult to do what you want to do cause the drive is lost. You feel inadequate cause everyone around is forging forward and you feel left behind. ITS OK!!!!! take a moment, take a step back and breath... Evaluate why you are feeling the way you and are and find ways to fix that. Cause ignoring the problem means its only going to come back even bigger than it was before.

Each persons journey is different but turning a blind eye never helps. Compassion and empathy versus apathy goes a long way. I found refuge in my family and myself. Learning to pick yourself up and going forward is the hardest because the only person you can fall back on is yourself. Its very easy to say Don't Give Up...

The secret is you never know whats going to happen. All you know that by the end of it its going to be ok. Its the natural order of the universe... What goes up must come down and vice versa. But the journey you take defines where you end up and you collect friends, enemies along the way. Your closest friends might fade away but that is the evolution of your life. Accepting that the only only thing constant in your life is CHANGE will be a blessing. Cause then moving through your hardships becomes a whole lot easier and you see the light at the end of the tunnel early on.

Lean on your friends family,
They are your only support,
Don't be a martyr,
Remember its ok to fall,

Cause only through your vulnerability, failure and anguish will your journey take meaning and full fill you. And thus emerge a Complete Individual where every slump will be tackled.


"How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you will experience success" - Robin Sharma


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