The Perfect Time: A Fallacy!

"Patience is a virtue I don't posses" I am Parsi and impatient. Not to mention it runs in the family. But no one tells you that "Life! is a wait game" You are constantly waiting for something happen. You are either waiting for someone to respond, business to grow, someone to say they love you and want to marry you, grow older, earn your millions, your clients to pay you or the ever famous "The Perfect Time so I can do......" This drives a person like me nuts, but alas! one doesn't have a choice, or so you think!

There are two things I have learnt from the game. They are as follows:

1. There is never the "Perfect" time for you to do anything. If it is a decision you need to make; and mind you these are always the life altering ones like quitting your job, starting out on your own, having a baby etc.; just dive right in cause nothing EVER goes according to plan.
2. If its not in your control and you have to play the game; then make the time worth while. Do Something! Don't just sit around and wait! You only live once.

I always knew I wanted to be somebody one day. On my own two feet. A woman with charisma, passion, wit etc. so when I walked into a room people knew I wasn't one to be messed with. So I knew I needed experience and my family business wasn't where I was going to get it. So I sucked it up and went into the world to make a mark for myself. A few years down the line, frustrated taking orders from bosses whose ego was larger than their own experience, I realised I knew what NOT to do. I had the tools. I was equipped - ish! I kept going back and forth about quitting my job for a few reasons. Money obviously being one of them. Am I ready? Will I fail? What if it doesn't work? What will people think? Till I realised that none of that mattered cause it was my life and I was the one living with MY decisions and I hated them.

So in December 2013 I walked into my CEO's cabin and said I can't do this anymore and that it was a pleasure. I walked out and felt a weight lift of my shoulders. For the next few days I was in nirvana till reality hit me. WHAT NEXT! The planner in me woke up and dread settled in. I hadn't told my parents or my then boyfriend. And then I felt like Jain Monk attaining salvation under a Neem tree...... Now is a good time as any! I made my Facebook page, logo, company profile, website, printed my business cards and started meeting all my clients but this time marketing myself. Someone took a chance on me and I did my first event SOLO for 60 people. When I got paid, I took my parents out to dinner and gave them the pay check. Now there is no looking back!

I got into this with no plan B and its because there was no safety net that I pushed myself to become a better me. I pushed the boundaries and came out victorious on the other side. Obviously I still have my moments of panic, dread, stress and total annihilation but you wait it out, distract yourself and before you know it you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Either way when you are playing the game its more about what you do with the opportunity given to you versus let nature takes its course. Because even while nature is doing its thing you are making magic happen and aiding the process.

Smile, Breath and Go Slowly!


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