Today Women....... Empowered or Confused!

I am not a feminist in the traditional sense of the term but yes I do believe women do have to work harder at a few things. But that doesn't mean that we take that as an excuse. Women, today want to be equals. Want to be treated on par with in work field, same pay hikes, responsibilities etc. but then why is it that when it comes to actually pulling your weight women hide behind the excuse of being a woman.

I am not saying every single woman does this. But in my experience a lot of women do that. We become our worst enemies and it exhausting ladies. A lot of us want to have it all; and while that does sound delusional; it is not unachievable with a little bit of compromise on the side. We are willing to compromise for our kids, husbands, families why not find a middle ground, because Balance is good thing (The last time I checked).

Women in general become very vested in our families and our carriers take a back seat. Some of us just loose interest in a high powered carrier. Some on the onset know that since marriage is an inevitability give up before they even start. Some have this notion that they will get back to it when their children are older. My question to them is why is your life taking a backseat when clearly your children and husband are out their achieving their dreams and you are stuck at home in the kitchen. We do not realise this now but later on we actually resent our children and our husbands for the very sacrifices we were prepared to make. And LADIES news flash. Running a house and raising a family isn't a JOB! its a a responsibility and a lot of us do it while accomplishing our dreams as well. So don't expect a pat on the back for something that would have been done anyway.

Our generation is fortunate enough to afford help, in laws, parents and HUSBANDS to help us out. Yes I said it the HUSBANDS pull their weight in the house as well. If you are a working woman and are equally busy then the man has to meet you half way. Our better halves not only appreciate this but also want to do this. Our OCD levels come down drastically, you are more relaxed because then the smaller things in the house become as trivial to you as they are to him.

I know of women who are stay at home mom who lead full and centred lives. They are more than content with the lives they lead. This is superb. Cause these women are lead BALANCED lives.

For the lot of you that want it all but refuse to move; I have only one thing to say "No hope No scope"

Whatever you decide to do with your life. Make sure it fulfils you. If it doesn't maybe you need to look for something else. Don't judge the rest of us on our lives because we are actually out their following our dreams. 



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