2nd Best Isn't an Option

When I was studying in Glion I met my best friend. A genius in his own right, cocky, a perfectionist, a dear soul, a hard worker, patient when required and cordial when he needs to be. He taught me one very important thing; 2nd best isn't an option. He truly believes that mediocrity shouldn't exist. He always gave his best at whatever he did and didn't settle for anything but the best in return. He held my hand and taught me that I was someone who was intelligent and shouldn't settle either. He gave me perspective when I needed it most and brought me down to reality when I needed it most. We both grew extremely cocky but that in our defence that was because we knew WE WERE THE BEST at what we did and no one came close.

Today I have a company of my own that is on it way up there and he started at the bottom of the food chain in a corporate world and in a few short years and turned his profile around. He stood infront of me the other day and I couldn't help but smile with PRIDE! I look back and think sometimes; it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for this cocky boy who think he knew it all and had a competitive streak like no one I knew.

I have taken this with me and inculcated it in my office here. I have my employees who come up with the lamest excuses to get away with a slip shot solution. E.g. "Ma'am this is India!!!! (I couldn't believe it when I heard it either); (The ever famous) Chalta Hain" and the list goes on. Every time I send them back to the drawing board and they hate me for it initially; but when the finished product comes in front of their eyes they know I was right.

I don't know why we settle for mediocre. Is it because we are too lazy or because we believe we aren't worth more. A lot of the times people say "Thats way out of my league." My question to you is why? Why draw a line? Why set yourself up for failure even before you started. He would always say "You never know unless you don't try!"

I think that most of the times we are scared of success. We are happy when it happens but the road to success is so daunting and we chicken out and scream "Grapes are sour" even before we attempt going down that road. I was and still am a little scared but its taken me a lot of time to get out of it and its still an uphill battle.

A few pointers that helped me:

1. If it scares you. It something worth trying.
2. If you don't want to do it. Do it first.
3. If you are stuck ask for help. It makes the road easier.

Get up and face your fears..... Cause when you reach the end of the tunnel the view is spectacular. You deserve the BEST so don't ever settle.

And like I always say (Confession I stole his line... Thank you.... You know who you are)

Smile, Breath and Go Slowly.....

                                                                                      (Dedicated To Someone Really Special To Me)


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