The People That Forget You Down The Road.....

Your journey to success is yours and yours alone. Not a lot of people understand your struggles and you can't expect them to. Most of the people we know today have jobs and their struggles are very different.

But when you initially set out on your own; often times people ask you; so how is it going? And you be like uuummmmm good I suppose. Cause what do you say to a person you know is earning more than you. Plus you know they think that you have taken the easy way out.

My story is even funnier. Being a girl from a upper middle class family people think you are pursuing a hobby and any small achievement they come and give you hearty congrats. They think I go to the office and sit around watching sit coms on my laptop all day; which is true on a few days; but not all the time. While it isn't a financial need to work; being a girl and all *wink wink*; it is a necessity for me. I couldn't imagine not having a place to go to everyday where my grey cells play riot with the economy. And when you try and explain your seriousness of your ambitions you get laughed upon.

A lot of people have disassociated themselves from me since I decided to take the leap to entrepreneurship. Friends I knew for years. People I hung out with and thought I were my people. Clients that have seen my work but were too scared to give me a chance. There was a day when I found a friend moved back but didn't think it important to call me. Is reaching out really worth it, when they can't understand your journey? Is it worth it surrounding yourself with that kind of negativity? No! Why bother when you know its like pouring water over a ducks back.

You find out two things during this process; 1. Who your really people/friends are. 2. That strangers often times come to the rescue. Truth of the matter is that it hurts. Because you realise that your relationships really didn't mean anything. But something beautiful comes out of it; you renew your faith in strangers when you meet like minded people; who like you; want to change the world. They fuel your ambition, push you to the brink and you thank them for it. When you step back at the end you review your people you have a smile on your face cause you have finally found your click who find your kinks normal or amusing.

And when those lost souls come crawling back; cause they see you have arrived; they come to realise that the ship has sailed with you on it and its too late. 

So like I always say Smile, Breath and Go Slowly...... 


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