The Uncertainty of the Future

So I finally quit my day job…. and have decided that with the turn of the year would be my new start completely on my own…. and then the multiple questions started to dawn on me…. and my mind went it to over drive and I broke down.

See the thing is that with a job there is a certain security. You know your monthly income. Your career is carved out and all you need to do is follow a path. But in todays corporate world it's a fake security cause you never know when you will get "Pink Slipped".

When you set out on your own it has multiple perks….. You can take how many ever days off as you like. You can start work at the time you like, call it a day whenever you like you are your own master! Boy is that a good feeling! But the scary part is that you don't know if it will work or not. You don't know if you will make it or how much money you will take home?

But its that insecurity that pushes you to make it a success. And 9 out 10 times it works…..

But let me tell you something, that 20 years later when I am a success…. Il look back like the movies and laugh but right now from where I stand there is nothing Romantic about the notion of success.

The closet ones to you will not understand your mind set, people will doubt you and no one but you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Having said that I will leave you today with two powerful words…… CARPE DIEM!!!!


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