The journey to success can't be taken alone. From the time you start to the day you choose to retire or otherwise you will need people around you. Whether they are friends, family, loved one, acquaintances, work colleagues or your enemies THEY ARE IMPORTANT.

My mother keeps telling me from time to time…. This is an old Parsi saying; which when translated says " You never know when you have to call a donkey your father" which actually means you never know when who comes in need. Another Wise one said and we all know this one "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer" Again this just reiterates the same thing.

When you start your business; most of us; start small. I personally think its better so when your business grows you; as a person; grow along with your company. You appreciate the smallest of achievements. You marvel at how your hard work and ideas shapes, modules and grows in front of your very eyes. This humbles you as an individual and makes you appreciate everyone and everything around you.

I have noticed that every single individual you know has something you require to grow personally or professionally. In todays professional world your "Contacts" can help you grow leaps and bounds. But as your business grows you start realising you can't do everything by your self anymore and you start hiring people. This is when things start getting tricky.

Your staff is your strength. They are an indispensable part of your organisation. As a leader if you recognise that and run your company accordingly sky is the limit to what you can achieve. Having been an employee for the past few years and listening to my friends complain 9 out of 10 times our vows are about our bosses and the unfair behaviour or circumstances. Its happened so many times to me. It has demotivated me to a very large extent and made me want to quit.

Ambiguity is another major problem in the corporate world. How many times has it happened to you that your boss said one thing which you execute and then he/she turns around said "What have you done?? I never said that" and you say to yourself "NOT AGAIN". This is mark of a good leader. To take a decision and see it through to the end. But more often than not you find yourself in the above mentioned situation.

Unfair circumstances is being promised something and it not coming to you. Not getting your promotion or raise. And the icing on the cake is executing orders you don't believe in. This hampers productivity and the passion and dedication vanishes into thin air.

I am not saying that give in to all your employee requests and suggestions cause that will lead to total anarchy as well. But recognise their efforts, be compassionate to their feelings, don't disregard their opinion you hired them for a reason and last but not the least remember they trusted you to be their leader to guide them down the path to success.


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