The Fear of The UNKNOWN!!!!!

"You have your own company!!!! Wow you are so lucky!!!!"

This statement is over used and has no relevance in reality and hence is completely bogus!!!!!
Thats right I said it BOGUS!!!!!!

There is a vast difference between starting something of your own and taking over a company..... Both are risky and requires hard work but one is a well oiled machine and the other just a pile of spare parts and it depends on you what you gonna build out of it. Starting something means no direction, no set path, customers and literally NO MONEY!!!!!

Yes you get to make your own decisions!!!! But HIP HIP HURRAY!!! Guess what along with that comes great responsibility because it is very possible you will make the wrong decision. You can see your friends move abroad and you sigh with envy thinking "I wanna pack up and leave too" but and inner voice says "What if you try this instead of that?"

The only time you truly know you are entrepreneur is when the puzzle excites and interests you more than the money. Quality and success is more important than the pay cheque in the end. When someone says " No one can do a better job.... You have to hire XYZ" that compliment alone is sufficient to keep you going through your next project. A sense of pride overwhelms you when you think about everything you have done in a short time and then in hindsight all the frustration washes away.

Its the small things that matter have brought me where I am today.... Like my first event!!! when it was on going I remember standing there and thinking ...... THIS IS ALL ME BABY!!!! I at the time had no help..... I went to sleep smiling that night!!!!

When I took my parents out for a drink and surprised them and told them I had started a company and this was the website and I gave them my card.... My mom cried, my dad couldn't stop smiling and I felt for a brief second I met my fathers expectations..... That night again I went to bed with a smile on my face....

Recently when I redesigned my logo. I looked at it and my heart just burst with pride. I couldn't help thinking a few years from now Il have a host of employees who feel the same way about the brand I am trying to create......

I thank my stars everyday for my blessings I receive each day. Not everyone has the opportunities I do. 

But when you are sitting in the present and you look at the business on books and you feel stressed. not knowing where your next pay cheque is going to come from? Not knowing how to are going to achieve your goals or what path to take is unnerving..... 

But as long as you know where you want to go...... I say enjoy the ride...... 



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