Tribe Leader

My father always says that the youth today got the short end of the stick. We are born in a time when competition is Immense. Its either you Go Big or Go Home. But like any candle in the wind the flame dwindles and eventually dies out. That is the majority of the crowd. They start something and somewhere down the line the faith in what they are doing dwindles and they go back to the safety of a job.

One of my Mentors and inspirations is Seth Godin and what he says rings so close to home... 
"If is scares you, it might be a good thing to try..."
"Be Genuine, Be Remarkable, Be worth connecting with..."

He also says that one of the riskiest thing we can do today is stay within the status quo....

It is being Remarkable, being something worth noticing.... That sets you apart and deicides your success

When I started my company I had a vision is to do unique designs and execute projects that India has only seen on paper or online on Pinterest etc. Everyone I met in the industry told me Indians don't want that. They want what they have been doing for an eons. I heard this over and over and over again.... But I wasn't sold on the concept.

Why provide something to your clients that 500000000 others can. Why would they hire me in that case. I would spend more time pinching business for my peers than actually running my business.

So this is what I took for this....

Create your own niche. Whatever you want to sell be it a service or a creative idea. It has a niche. The idea is to create a TRIBE of those people. You need to bring them together. And how would one do this is spreading your idea to the few people you know would listen and then they will tell their friends and the Idea will SPREAD. And if you are good at your job.... then they will never go anywhere else.

The tough part is getting those like minded people together. But once they come in then the tribe only grows......


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