The Stupidity of the Human Race.... (A silent prayer for all those in Ghaza.... A moment of Silence....)

Since the beginning of time..... right through the stone age, crusades, invasions etc we have been territorial about our land!!!! Families have been betrayed, legacies destroyed, lives lost, murder, conspiracy, chaos and the only one that suffers the wrath of our leaders is the common man. No leader in history hasn't been territorial. The plotting and conceit which leads to anarchy lays the breading ground for hatred. Over a piece of land!!!!

Today we stand at the very same dilemma.... who shall have the Ghaza strip.... Very important this question, is it not?

Land.... Earth..... is a finite resource. Dirt. Rubble. Stone. It has no value by itself it only has the value we attach to it. There is only so much to go around. While we have divided the land ask mother earth who her loyalties lay with..... We today as educated, well informed, CIVILISED individuals who have evolved over the millennia still resort to barbaric ways. Have we not learnt that living in peace is only favourable. Learning about different customs only enriches our lives.

Fighting over land is something our forefathers did. Haven't we evolved since then....  

Looking at the current situation I fell we have reseeded into our old ways.... The medieval ages... When killing someone on the street was normal. Beheading people and impelling them outside palace wall to rot was the norm. No one was safe and everyone feared for their lives......

How much more are the people of the Middle East in general going to endure. Where is our humanity. Our compassion. Our sense of humanity. We set out on the path of hatred, mutiny and violence over and innate object of which there is plenty to go around.

We were all born the same way.... None of us is divine.... Should you cut any of us do we not bleed... When you say something hurtful do we not flinch...... Everyone has a right to life and no one has the right to take that right....

If forgiveness is too much to ask for... as there is no much hatred that has been created then create a state which is new and for all..... Where if you read the Holy Koran or The Holy Torah doesn't matter as both are most highly respected.... Where festivals are truly festive where everyone irrespective of your religion would rejoice!!! and join in feast and dance.......

We as humans have the power to communicate.... through words and actions. Divinity isn't so petty where on judgement day they would banish you from heaven over which peace of land you lived, ate or died. For all natural elements are the same, equal in every right.....

We seem to be our own destruction.... We will have to wait for God or any natural calamity or gobal warming to do so.... We will be gone sooner than you think.... OVER A PIECE OF LAND, DIRT, SOIL, STONE  AND MUD..........

I offer a silent prayer to all those who have lost their lives, suffer and continue to endure the authorities handed to them.... I pray for peace, love and happiness to once again govern these states... IN Ghaza, Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia, Russia.........

We have fought enough now is the time for Peace, Love and Happiness so we can flourish..... TOGETHER!!!!!


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