The People You Meet.....

We are all social animals.... Every single on of us... We need and thrive of each other.... There is a reason why solitary confinement is a punishment. We might not get along with everyone we meet.... Your family, friends, acquaintances etc. We all have that one family member, or friend in your friend circle or business partner who gives you a lot of grief.... But the fact of the matter is we need them in our lives as well.

Being civil is an art... not everyone can master it.... Some people are fantastic at it.... those are the people you should be careful with because you have no idea what they are thinking. Then you have the suck ups.... People who go out of their way to get noticed.... They are a little more easier to detect cause you know what they want at the end.....

But then you have your friends... They are an integral part of our lives.... we value their opinions, values etc. Often times we work in tandem with them and if they turn out to be sincere it creates an ever lasting relationship. But sometimes people you were close to tend to fade away. They become busy and wrapped up with their lives.... and you fall on to the side lines even if you were extremely important to them.

The fact of the matter is that most relationships we have today are superficial. Finding real connections with people is hard and you have test the waters before you dive in head long. You will be surprised you turns around and is there for you when you least expect it and the people you count on often times just glide away. Its not their fault sometimes there are actual reasons but then there are times when there aren't. But thats fine as well... we all say....

How many times have you heard this "Best friends are those who pick up right where they left of even if it was years later" That stands true for most part of it cause inherit personalities don't change but people in general do.... and that where you left of bit of it most often then not last for the initial honeymoon phase of any relationship. After that then you have to deal with why did we loose touch etc. Fact being your friends move on, relationships evolve..... There are so many experiences to be had.... different people to be met....

Every person you meet; whether he or she annoys you or makes you envious is irrelevant; will nurture your life.

Question is have you seen the good in the people you meet in order to see the gift.....????


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