Finding The Real You (Part 2)

You can’t always choose the people that hang around you or do business with. And sometimes we choose to hang out with people who don’t necessarily fit our click but we do it anyway for various reasons. Like in every social aspect in our lives in business as well your reputation of your company and you is paramount. Part of that reputation is developed by perception on the crowd we hang out with and how we treat the people around us.

Being part of the “IT” crowd is what everyone wants to do. Because that’s where the connections are and correspondingly that’s where the money is at and everyone wants money. Within the “IT” crowd there are various kinds of people – The-I-Think-I-Am-So-Popular, The-Look-How-Much-Money-I-Have etc. and then you obviously have the ever so rare down to earth people who you can genuinely connect with. Question is who are you?

Coming from a reasonably affluent family I feel sometimes I am caught between two worlds. My entire life I have been blessed to be surrounded by individuals who are inspirational. Each one brings something into my life, which enriches my life in everyway. I have been fortunate. 

But recently as every business individual would I have started networking to build and expand my business. I have come across a lot of people and some have surprised me, others have shocked me and mostly I have just been dumb founded and the way some people just react in social situations. But it was like entering a new world, like a kid entering Disney World for the first time if you will. It’s very easy to get lost in the glitter and panache of it all. To loose you’re way in their maze of their ivory towers. This is something that shouldn’t happen for you owe it to your upbringing not to throw it all away.  While it is important to fit into a crowd, changing your personality completely is a recipe for disaster cause it will catch up to you.

These are a few things to keep in mind.

1.     Don’t be to quick to judge whoever is in front of you. You don’t know their story.
2.     How you treat people around you speaks volumes of who you are.
3.     Mingle with everyone and anyone. Even though a person might not fit your social strata you may never know the treasures they bring to your life.
4.     Don’t forget your roots and where you came from for remember Rome wasn’t built in a day.
5.     Have a few close friends who have your back no matter what. They are your people. The rest are all acquaintances. 
6.     Don’t forget people you have met along the way, friends, family etc. they are the only ones that will be there in the middle of the night.
7.     Hold your ground and remember you are bringing as much to the table as they are so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Broaden your horizons….. But be You… The True You!

Cause your Net worth is equal to your Network….

Till then….. Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly.  


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