The Fortunate Ones

My grandma always used to say, “I complained that I had no shoes, till I met a man with no feet.” This holds true especially today. We all have these moments in life, which makes you stop and take account of all your blessings. Today I had multiple such moments.

Life is tough sometimes. It deals you a bad hand or couple in row. Everyone around you will say stand up, dust it off. I’d say easier said than done. But one thing is for sure if you stop and take notice of all the good in your life getting by definitely becomes easier. Why some of us have more money, a better car, better lifestyle etc.? That I do not have the answer to, but what I do know is this if you have been given more than some it is your duty to make the most of every situation. It is your duty to shine for others. For most have done far more with far less.

Today the world is a smaller place. I saw a snapchat of an astronaut in outer space today. Who would have thought that could have been possible? We have had everything handed to us on a platter, well most of us at least. We haven’t had to deal with war, famine, and drought. Most of us don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. Our problems centre on how our employees behave or how bad the economy is. Not to say that our problems aren’t problems. Don’t get me wrong they are. They are just of a different kind. But shouldn’t the fact that the basic essentials in our lives are covered give us solace.

We get so caught up in our routines that we tend to forget that our problems aren’t unsolvable. We aren’t at the mercies of higher powers. Does this mean we shouldn’t complain or whinge? No. You are human you are allowed. But every once in a while when the problems become too much, too overwhelming to the point you cant breathe just stop and count your blessings. I guarantee that racing heart will start to calm down, your perspective will change and you will have a solution at the end.

We all have bad days. Sometime you feel they will never end. And sometimes it lasts for a while and you ask yourself “Why me?” No one has an answer to that. I don’t know if its karma or your stars aren’t aligned.

All I do know is that “This too Shall Pass…..”

So when the climb uphill seems too steep, glance back and see where you have come, then look around and admire the view. Cause even if you aren’t there yet the view is pretty great from up here as well.

Till you reach the top…. Smile…. Breathe and Go Slowly…..


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