Ever notice how no one takes you seriously when you have just opened your doors. Your clients don’t trust you and your vendors don’t take you seriously. But when you start making a dent in the market they all flock around you. Till such time as you don’t grow getting either clients to trust you or your vendor to give quality service becomes an issue. Its like the chicken and egg situation, we all struggle with it.

The same with getting quality and loyal employees, no one wants to work for a company with no name or backing, as they need to think how it will look on their resumes. Honestly I wouldn’t blame them, the thought of working for a start up back when I was an employee was unfathomable.

What’s even more frustrating that just when you think you can settle into a routine the person up and leaves. And you start the process all over again. I have personally done this so often in the past three years I have lost track. But the ones that stick with you are the ones that have your back during your toughest times.

Ways to over come this:

1.     No one is indispensible: If you think even for a second that the company wont run because the CEO of the company isn’t around. Stop and think again. It might not run as efficiently but run it will. Have a back up of resumes ready so that you can get the ball rolling at a moments notice.
2.     Loyalty: Remember not everyone that works for you will remain with you. Some will leave respectfully. Others will steal business and take valuable clientele with them. Can you stop this from happening? No. What you can do is control who has access to what kind of information. Last but not the least; don’t expect loyalty either. This saves you a lot of heartbreak, as sometimes we get fond of our employees. (Yes, this happens too.)
3.     Micro Manage: I know this takes a lot of time but knowing what each one of your employees are upto is vital; so that if they leave unexpectedly you can handle the operations. What I do is once a day I sit with one of my employees and go through their progress on weekly bases so I know their productivity levels and know if they are following the systems I have put in place. Make a schedule to make it easier.

There is no way of preventing this. The only way you can get to where you want to be is saddle in for the long haul knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Like I always say Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly…..


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