Children have the most impressionable minds. Their minds are like sponges. They soak up everything, the good, bad and ugly. Which is why they say “Not in front of the children.” This is why it’s so easy to pick up new languages, play an instrument, and learn a sport or a dance form. Cause there is no filter or inhibitions.

As time passes we grow older and experience life in its raw form. As we all know life is very unforgiving sometimes. So we develop defence mechanisms over a period of time and start to filter what we learn. But all we have learnt by association we retain and some of us do for the rest of our lives.

Not everything we pick up from our parents is positive. Remember they are human. Everything they do for you is out love and nothing else. With this love comes a series of other emotions like pride, protectiveness etc. Which is why you had an 8pm curfew when you were in school or weren’t allowed to go on dates till you were senior citizen. But we all got around those rules some how or the other.

We are our own person; or so we would like to think. I say this because we pick most of our mannerisms, likes, dislikes, style etc. from our parents or other peers we look up to. We don’t realise this but we also pick up our insecurities and limitations from them. If we haven’t learnt it by association someone very dear to you has planted a seed; that in your head; has germinated into the gospel truth and you don’t even know it.

The truth is your limits are what you make them out to be. Not everyone is the same agreed but if you get up everyday and push yourself a little bit more you tend pull down the wall and realise everything is possible.

The next time you realise this try this out:

1.     Stop and ask yourself who else behaves like this with your inner circle?
2.     Ask yourself are you mirroring them? And what in your past has drawn you to come to the conclusion that this is your limit?

I can guarantee you the answers will surprise you. Once you understand the root cause the rest is just taking one small step at a time in the right direction.

Life is an uphill climb, but once you get to the top, the view is pretty amazing.

So Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly………


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